Welcome to ESN Finland’s National Platform Herwanta!

We will gather in the beautiful Hervanta, Tampere on 13.-15.10.2017 to meet for plenaries, workshops and of course to hang out with your favourite ESNers.

The fun starts at 5PM on Friday and ends around 3PM on Sunday, so make sure to tank up on sleep beforehand.

We will have at least 3 spots per section.

The participation includes accommodation (on the floor inside Tampere University of Technology, bring your own mattress and sleeping bag), food during the event and the social program (real teekkari sitsit yay! And sauna, so bring the most important item a hitchhiker can carry around.)

According to our statutes the agenda will include at least the following:

Opening of the meeting; 

Election of the chair, secretary and two scrutinizers;

Legality and quorum of the meeting; 

Approving the agenda for the meeting;

Presenting the financial statement. The financial statement includes: the annual report, profit and loss account, balance sheet, appendixes and balance sheet specifications. The report and statement of the operations auditor are presented;

Approval of the financial statement and release of the Board and other accountable persons of liability; 

Election of an operations auditor and a vice operations auditor.

Statutes amendments

Standing order amendments

Election of a Web Project Administrator


A more detailed agenda as well as all the needed documents will be sent to the LRs closer to the meeting.

Participation fee is 45€/person. Every section has three spots guaranteed, but you can register more people and provide the board with a priority list in case there will be more open spots to distribute. Please register through the following link: https://events.esnfinland.eu/  The deadline for registrations is on Friday 29.9. 23:59 CET.

Please note that according to our statutes it is mandatory to participate in every NP or delegate the section’s vote. Every section will need to provide the NB with the delegation form. Please send the delegation forms by Thursday 12.10. to board@esnfinland.eu and bring the physical copy with you to the NP. You can find the delegation forms from here.

If you have any questions, you can always send us an email to board@esnfinland.eu

Hope to see many of you in Tampere soon!