As a first timer in an Eduk8 event, I was more than excited to join the Academy to first brush up on developing my skills in ESN. And I must have to admit the aim of Eduk8 to train the volunteers by the form of “non-formal education” is the best way to develop the network and sections.

Thank you ESN Academy Sarajevo: Participants with their national flags

To promote more inclusive Europe and ESN, most of the workshops were held with a special focus on 3 sub-topics: disability, gender and migrants, where the wonderful facilitators steered us to discuss about the ideas, facts, outcomes on the topics of the workshops. From designing inclusive events to gender roles in the society; from leading diverse teams to disabilities. On every topics ESN members from different sections all over Europe discussed their views, shared opinions, came up with new ideas to organise new events. Everyone was given equal opportunity to describe their thoughts, regardless their section and position. That’s why it is called ESN family isn’t it?

Participants of ESN Academy Sarajevo after discussing creation of inclusive events

My main motto was to get to know how other members from other sections deal and implement the outcomes of ESN Academy workshops. That is why we shared all our ideas even after the workshops. All these ideas were presented during social inclusion conference, where we discussed about the situation with social inclusion in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as shared our thoughts with the conference holders.

ESN Academy Sarajevo was a successful event to me in every sense, especially in the case of the outcomes we came up during the workshops, which will be beneficial for the Local and National level of ESN. On the last day of the Academy participants proposed so many inclusive events and projects, which were the results of the workshops we had during the Academy. I have to say that this won’t be possible without the proper guiding of the facilitators and environment that Eduk8 provides.

Finally, I would like to say that ESN Academy a good platform to meet other ESN-crazy people and a place to redefine yourself. We learnt from the academy “The limits are limitless”, and you will believe that once you are there. Thank you to Eduk8, to the wonderful OC of the event and lastly ESN Finland and my section ESN Joensuu for giving me such an opportunity to participate and to think outside the box.

ESN Joensuu representatives with ESN Academy certificates

Sajed Rabbani (Oni)

ESN Joensuu

ESN Joensuu is one of ESN Finland's 16 sections. Find out more about ESN Joensuu on their website.