The National Events Committee (NEvCo) organises national events of ESN Finland, such as Pirates of the Baltic Sea (PoBS). NEvCo also aids in National Assemblies (NAs) and national training events. 

There are two teams inside NEvCo. Pirates of the Baltic Sea Team (PoBS) and Internal National Events Team (INET). While PoBS partakes in the organisation of the cruise and its derivates, INET helps with the training events and National Assemblies. 

The Main Chair supervises all the work inside the committee and is part of the National Board as the National Events' Manager. 

For any enquiries, contact nevco[at]esnfinland[dot]eu

You can reach individual NEvCo members at firstname.lastname[at]esnfinland[dot]eu

Nantia Georgousaki

Main Chair


Reija Tolvanen

Interim Vice-Chair for PoBS

PoBS Partnership Manager

Duy Tùng Hà 

PoBS Volunteer Coordinator


Antonia Stavridou

PoBS Communication Manager


Zahid Choudhury

PoBS Program Team Lead


Anika Bansal

PoBS Program Coordinator


Mohammad Shahidul

PoBS Section Coordinator 


Balázs Ágrez

PoBS Customer Service Representative

Maria Zapf

PoBS Graphics Designer


Roxana Kraut Esteban

PoBS Program Coordinator


Beatriz Veloza

PoBS Customer Service Representative