For me, Eduk8 has been a life-changing experience

During my years in ESN I have learnt a lot: how to lead a team of volunteers, what to take into consideration when organising an event, how to make budgets and financial statements, and how to deal with unexpected situations. I have also gained many skills in Eduk8. For example, I’d now be able to facilitate a workshop about all of those topics above. But more important than knowing how to deliver a great workshop or how to design a longer training, has been the journey of personal growth and learning to know myself.

My first touch of Eduk8 and non-formal education was at the Pre-NP Helsinki training event that we organised with our National Board. Our facilitators, Lukas and Standa, delivered in rather difficult circumstances great workshops that later gave me the idea to apply to the Starter.

Until recently, Eduk8 Starter 2016 was my favourite event in my ESN career. It was the perfect combination of skill development, friends and fun! After it, I was super eager to practise and I had a chance to deliver workshops in Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, and Belgium, not to mention Finland. My Eduk8 journey has lead me to join the international project team of Eduk8 and most recently to Eduk8 Forward in Northern Italy. And yes, this is now the most amazing event that I have seen in my years in ESN. Coming back from Italy, my suitcase was full of ideas, enthusiasm and newly found strength and knowledge about myself.

Participants of Eduk8 Forward Novara

What about your Eduk8 career?

This has been my Eduk8 journey. It’s different for everyone, but for many it has been every bit as life-changing as it has been for me. And it can be that for you as well.

If you are now curious and excited or maybe thinking that this whole post is full exaggeration, this is what you can do:

1. Participate in one of the Eduk8 events. You’ll then see if this is for you.

2. Apply for a spot in Starter. It might change the course of your life or the very least, you’ll learn a lot and have a great time with ESNers from all around the network. (As a tip, really put an effort to that application. Last year only half of the applicants got a spot.)

3. Enjoy going to different events as a facilitator and being in touch with ESN life even after your last official mandate is over.

4. See if these experiences will open a door to a new world that you didn’t know even existed. I hope it will do so for me.

Participants of Survival Kit training in Lithuania


Marjut Jalkanen is a former member of ESN Jyväskylä and Treasurer of ESN Finland 2015-2016. Currently she is an Eduk8er and the Community Manager of the international Eduk8 team. One of the things she is most proud of is establishing the FInsight national trainings together with the NB of 2015-2016. She is not very proud of her facilitation skills at FInsight 1 that took place just before her Eduk8 Starter but she believes that she has improved a lot since then.